It all starts with Community
Over 8 Million Homes in the US Subscribe to a Solar Garden.
The Fastest Growing Energy Program in the Country… Why?
Unlike other solar programs, community solar allows you to take part in the benefits regardless of your situation. Home owners, apartment renters, small business owners. If there is capacity available, you can enroll.
Each market will range, but you can expect to receive a discount between 10%-20%. The panels allocated to you at the farm will produce power each month resulting in a credit on your utility bill.
Because the solar garden is already built and producing, you can choose to subscribe and disconnect as you please. There are no penalties for cancelling anytime for any reason. The program is designed for people to come in an out.
We have a relationship with 21 developers, operating over 120 active solar gardens in 8 States and counting.
Without Community Solar
Old Power Bill
With Community Solar
New Power Bill
*Example of 15% discount. Depending on the utility company, you’ll receive between 10%-20%.
Solar Statement
We finance, construct, and maintain a community solar garden offsite.
The energy is delivered to your utility company for distribution.
You save on your electric bill for using sustainable Sun energy.
The Process
A consultant will verify your electric company and locate a farm nearby with available capacity.
After locating a farm, we will show you the best discount being offered.
In some cases, there will be multiple farms. We always search to find the best offer available.
Once deciding on the farm, our team will help you enroll in the savings program. You will see the discount reflected on your utility bill within one to three billing cycles.
*Enrollment takes less than 10 minutes

Active Community State Programs
*All Utility Companies listed grant a guaranteed discount of At Least 10%
Southern California Edison
Xcel Energy
Eversource Energy
United Illuminating
Commonwealth Edison (ComEd)
Central Maine Power
Versant Power/Bangor Hydro
Eversource Energy
National Grid
Eversource Energy
Unitil Power
National Grid
Rocky Mountain Power
Frequently Asked Questions
We will always work to find you a farm with the highest possible savings. You can expect
10-20% off their total electric bill.
The way you see your savings will depend on both your utility company and the state you live in. You will either get a discount directly on your normal electric bill or you will start to receive an invoice directly from the farm for the power you used. That invoice will always be at the discounted rate and is designed to be a bill replacement.
Our company does not work with farms that require upfront fees. We will never ask you for a payment as a condition for enrolling.
We only work with developers that allow free and easy cancellation.
All farms in our network will offer guaranteed saving period between 5-20 years. Meaning there is no commitment on your end, but your savings will be guaranteed from the farm.
The terms and conditions are a review of your relationship with the farm. You will you never be asked to enter into a contract with a term requirement, or pay anything to enroll.